How to Use AI to Quickly Generate Keywords in ImStocker

ImStocker is one of the best tools for uploading stock photos across multiple agencies. It's also one of the best ways to quickly auto-generate keywords for your images using the power of AI. Doing all of this from one interface dramatically increases your microstock productivity.
ImStocker comes with three different ways to keyword to stock media.
- the normal way by manually adding your keywords
- the faster way by using their "IMS Keyworder" which allows you to search for photos that others have already uploaded, then you manually select the most relevant keywords by clicking
- the fastest way by using their "IMS Vision" to quickly auto-generate keywords using AI
Another great thing about ImStockers keywording is that each keyword is given a color-coded rank based on customer search volume and contributor competition. ImStocker can automatically re-order your keywords based on these factors. Here is a short video showing you exactly how to generate your microstock keywords automatically with AI:
How to Use AI to Quickly Generate Keywords in ImStocker